It's that time of year again... the holidays and Christmas season should just about be in full swing and you won't hear me complain about it. I LOVE IT. I spruced up the blog with a super jolly backround- I hope you enjoy it. And so, to start off the season I've decided to share my list of the 10 most underrated, unplayed Christmas songs.
10. Have A Holly Jolly Headache!
9. Santa Claus Is Not Coming To Town
8. We Wish You A Hairy Christmas.
7. Sleigh Bells Ring! No, It's Just the Salvation Army Workers.
6. Baby, It's So Cold Outside I Can't Feel My Legs.
5. Jingle Cell Block
4. Big Bloated Drummer Boy
3. Twitchy- The Epileptic Reindeer
2. The 837 Days of Christmas
And lastly...
1. All I Want For Christmas Is My New Laptop, Fios, Cup of Coffee, Snuggie, And 30 Minutes Of Peace And Quiet So I Can Goof Off On Facebook.
Ho, Ho, Ho...
Lauren =)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Greatest Show on Earth.... the CIRCUS!
I had never been to a real circus before. I've been to the smaller scale ones- you know, the ones where there is a family of 30 Ukrainian's traveling the fairground circuit... but never a full blown, big top, clowns, and elephants circus. One of my dearest and best friends Michelle surprised me, Landon, and the kids with an early Christmas present- prime, ring side seats to Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey's Zing Zang Zoom show. I was really excited when I found out we were, too excited for a 28 year old.
And let me tell you--- I was not disappointed. I could have just posted the pictures and a few videos, but blogging about it seems like a much better idea. So, join me won't you and relive the magic of THE CIRCUS....
I'm all ready... dressed like an adult- check! looking calm and composed- check! ready for the circus- SEE ABOVE PICTURE- CHECK!
Had to make sure I didn't forget the tickets (I've been known to do this before...)- check!
Hunter was distracted by what was being set up in front of us. Please note that Dylan and I are still dancing.
Part of what was distracting Hunter!

I apologize for the video quality... Dylan had decided he was done watching the circus at this point and had proceeded to eating the camera...
And let me tell you--- I was not disappointed. I could have just posted the pictures and a few videos, but blogging about it seems like a much better idea. So, join me won't you and relive the magic of THE CIRCUS....
I'm all ready... dressed like an adult- check! looking calm and composed- check! ready for the circus- SEE ABOVE PICTURE- CHECK!
Had to make sure I didn't forget the tickets (I've been known to do this before...)- check!
Consol Energy Center
We arrived a bit early to the show so we could meet all the clowns, characters, and various animals. And so did everyone else.
Dylan was sad he couldn't go down with everyone...
Landon and Hunter made their way back up to their seats- the show was about to begin!! It's hard to sit still when your excited...
Let the show begin!! This was the head clown. He was hilarious. He invited some people from the audience to play musical chairs while they set everything up...
One of the songs they played was the chicken dance- no one knew whether to walk around the chairs or to do all the motions. I, of course, was standing up doing the motions. Hunter was distracted by what was being set up in front of us. Please note that Dylan and I are still dancing.
Part of what was distracting Hunter!
They had this gigantic box center ring in front of us... very mysterious. What could be in it?
Some more of the show... they had alot of Asian elements to the show- which gave it a really mystical feel. Everything was so well done, and so beautiful. There were so many dancers and colors- you just felt like you couldn't look at things fast enough.
And then came.... the elephants. I'm telling you, for such a large animal- they are so graceful and gorgeous. Hands down, my favorite part of the show...
Hunter waving goodbye to all the elephants...
Zing Zang Zoom is a show that incorporates magic into the entire act. It was all fantastic magic tricks- nothing scary or weird (I had no desire to see David Blane come out and pull a card out of my pocket). For example- making one of the elephants DISAPPEAR! Next came the horses and zebras... What beautiful creatures.
I apologize for the video quality... Dylan had decided he was done watching the circus at this point and had proceeded to eating the camera...
I am not sure why I get so nervous when it comes to other people being up high. I never used to be that way- maybe it's because I'm a mother now? I don't know. But for what ever reason- I was so unbelievably nervous watching the tight rope. These guys were absolutely insane... a mothers' worst nightmare really...
And just to add obnoxion (is that a word?) to my nervousness... they really felt the need to pump the crowd up with some dancing. But Hunter's face was so precious...
Then they shot some people out of a cannon- seriously awesome.
And then they brought the elephants back out- I think I could have watched them alone for 3 hours. If you've skipped over all the other short clips- take a minute to watch the ones on the elephants- really quite cool. It seemed like they were actually excited to get out on the floor and perform. Normally I am not a big fan of wild animals being help captive to entertain- but the trainers and staff just really fussed over all the animals involved in the show and the elephants seemed very happy.
I have to correct one thing I said previously- all the animals seemed happy- except the tigers. As I was taking pictures and video, I was FOR CERTAIN that I was about to see the trainer killed. Those animals were so anxious and angry and you could just feel their aggression in the audience... I was quite alarmed by it actually. The tigers would swat at the trainer as he would walk by and growl so loud that it would actually rumble the pit of your stomach. The gentlemen next to me said- I'm a little nervous right now. I agree good sir. I don't know- you be the judge...
And lastly- something SUPER cool... they had two people attached in some way (I have no clue) to the ceiling. And they walked around the ceiling, doing all sorts of need things. It was such a cute sketch, and really interesting. I loved it- another one of my many favorites from that day.
So, there you have it! Our afternoon at the circus! It was so wonderful to go- very family friendly and fun. We all enjoyed it. A HUGE thank you to Michelle, Dustin, and the Serviss Family for sending us there. We love all of you and appreciate you and are honored having you as our extended family.
Frisbees and Faucets,
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