Sunday, June 26, 2011

Shadow People.

My last post was in April. It's now creeping up into July. Clearly my dream of having a daily/weekly blog should have just stayed a dream. My life actually got BUSY. I didn't realize that once one of my kids was in school and we started getting involved there and with sports that free time is non-existent. It's been awesome though... I'm so glad school is out for Hunter. I'm so glad school is starting for Dyl. We've been having a WONDERFUL summer!!

And so, drum roll please... a blog about....

Shadow people.

I hate them.
I always have.
I always will.

Do you all know what shadow people are??? It's those big black cutout's people put in their yard of various people/animals. I call them shadow people.

I googled 'shadow people' and got a mysterious array of ghostly websites. Wrong google, dead wrong. So here is a website that sells a whole mess of them- I noticed that they have one of Elvis. I think I may have to rethink this post now. I do love me some Elvis....

Seriously, what is the point of them?? (Other than the awesome Elvis one.) Is there a certain message you want to relay to people by displaying them? Or do you really like the look of them?

We've decided to get a fake dog for the yard. Isn't he cute? Sit, Come on boy, siiiittt. I SAID SIT!!! Good dog.

Why, hello creepy little children. Yes, you do look inviting, don't you? Did that little one just say something??? ((shudders))

Nothing says WELCOME! like a massive 6 foot black bear in your front yard.
What do I know though? Maybe these add some whimsy that I am unaware of. I guess these could be cute... ugh, who am I kidding. I still hate them. I'm trying to find something positive about them since I know there is a huge Elvis cutout I can purchase. Uhhh huh.

I moved to this area 7 years ago and along the one road here there is a certain shadow man that the owners have strategically placed RIGHT BESIDE THE ROAD. Now, this is a back road, in the country, it has some curves, etc. People hit deer on this road allll the time. I've had to stop so an actual bear could cross. So why on earth would they stick this man right along it is beyond me...

ANYWAY, so over these past 7 years that shadow man has scared me almost every.single.time. I've been on that road. ESPECIALLY at night. Without fail, I forget it's there and either- a.) slam on the brakes thinking about about to hit someone/something or b.) swerve thinking about to hit someone/something. I AM GOING TO CAUSE AN ACCIDENT!! And to top it off, the dude is holding an American flag. I can't totally hate him if he's got our Country's flag!!?? For the love...

Yeah, this is definitely accurate. Look at my face. See how scared I am??? Ugh....

If anyone has one of these in your yard- I'd love to know why. Unravel the mystery for me, won't you?? ;)

Until next time...

Fireflies and Freezepops,
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