I'll admit it- I was obsessed with the show Lost. I absolutely loved that show. I was so happy to have a group of friends who were obsessed too. We watched religiously every Tuesday night... immediately to get up Wednesday and wait for all the blogs to put up their breakdowns of the previous nights' episode. I think either you loved it or you hated it- there was no in between. The genius thing about Lost was that it meant something different to everybody. It made you think about your life, about the people in your life. It was just a beyond awesome show. I miss it.
I think I could definitely do a run down of my top 20 episodes but I'll spare all of you that headache. Chances are only 3 of you reading are Lost fans and have any inkling as to what I am talking about. But what I DO want to share with you guys has to do with one of my favourite episodes (you like how I spelled 'favourite'? Hellooo fancy.). It was all centered around a character named Charlie and the episode was titled "Greatest Hits". Without drowning you in detail basically what happened was that Charlie, a musician, knew he was going to die (sounds depressing, huh? It was, I cried.) and so he thought about his life and what his five greatest moments were. He wrote them all down on a piece of paper to give to Claire, the woman he fell in love with. The #1 greatest moment in his life was the night he met her...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Focus Lauren... FOCUS!!
Anyone who has been in my household knows I use the word "focus" a lot. I always yell that to my kids when they are in la-la land.
"Hunter. Hunterrr. HUNTER??? FOCUS HUNTER! FOCUS!!"
"Hello Dylan- FOCUS. Thank you!!!!"
That always gets their attention and then I can relay whatever point I'm trying to get across. But it seems the past few years it might do good to have someone yelling that at me. Seriously, I do not pay attention. And it's not because I'm flighty (although I'm sure some of you are chuckling at that statement) and it's not because I have ADD or anything either. Truth is- I think I'm in la-la land just as much as my kids are. I kid you not I will be starting out my trip to go somewhere and the daydreaming immediately begins...What can I make for dinner tonight? Should I cut my hair short? I need to call Shannon today and remind her of that time we got separated in 6th grade and we talked to each other through our reflections in our make up mirrors. Man, that was funny. Why do I read People.com... Lindsey Lohan is so stupid. Everyone in Hollywood is stupid. I'm hungry. Cookies...mmmm, cookies. 20 MINUTES LATER I have arrived at my destination without having any recollection of actually driving there. Reality sets in and I panic. Did I run any stop signs?! Did I cut anyone off or pull out in front of anyone?? It takes me about 60 seconds to realize- Hey, we're here, we're safe. No harm, no foul!!
I also do this while showering. I'll get in the shower and start thinking about my day, or a funny movie I've watched- "Roy? No honey, Travis. Sweet Trav." (3 high fives! to the first person who can tell me the movie that quote is from), or what activity I'll do with the kids, what song I'll cover on my first country pop album? or what my acceptance speech will be at the Emmy's and BOOM - Did I wash my hair yet? How many times have I conditioned??? Wait, how long have I been in here????
And heaven forbid the radio is on while I'm cleaning!! A simple dusting/windex-ing event can turn into a full production of Soul Train. 93 minutes later... Me, Gladys, the Pips, the Tops (all Four of them), Smokey Robinson, Chaka Kahn, The Jacksons, and Kool & the Gang have cleaned 1/2 of one end table and the entertainment center. Out of breath, I look around the room. My trip on the Midnight Train to Georgia has not only prevented me from cleaning anything, but I've made more of a mess because I've (of course) gotten the kids involved and we've dug out 70's costumes, microphones, and guitars. *Sigh*
I'm pretty sure the reason it's getting worse is because I stay at home with the kids. I am at home pretty much all.the.time. I love it... but unfortunately, come winter time, I am two eye twitches away from being sent to the nut house. Cabin fever anyone? I can't say that I hate all this silliness about myself though. I sort of love it. It keeps me young, it makes me laugh, it provides some amazing adventures for me and the kids (hopefully leaving them with fantastic memories of their childhood), and ironically it keeps me from going crazy!! haha. I can't remember a time where I wasn't daydreaming/imagining/creating. I've had many a sore bum from falling while doing high kicks pretending to be a Rockette, a raw throat from belting out Mariah Carey songs, an exhausted mind from writing out endless comedy routines and playing them over and over in my mind, a tired arm from pretending to be the first female pitcher in the MLB, scary looking Barbies from being a "hair stylist", endless memories of playing dress up, and that's just the TIP of my ridiculously weird iceberg.
So, should I focus more?? Nah. I don't think. I have so much fun entertaining myself. And hopefully now I can entertain some of you for a while. I think everyone daydreams or imagines from time to time. I know a few who rock it out in their car and a few who sing in the shower, a few who have random dreams that just reek of awesomeness and even a select few who will still play Barbies with me. Sadly it seems I know more than a few who need to un-focus a little more often... not necessarily while driving though. ;)
Butterflies and Biscuits.
"Hunter. Hunterrr. HUNTER??? FOCUS HUNTER! FOCUS!!"
"Hello Dylan- FOCUS. Thank you!!!!"
That always gets their attention and then I can relay whatever point I'm trying to get across. But it seems the past few years it might do good to have someone yelling that at me. Seriously, I do not pay attention. And it's not because I'm flighty (although I'm sure some of you are chuckling at that statement) and it's not because I have ADD or anything either. Truth is- I think I'm in la-la land just as much as my kids are. I kid you not I will be starting out my trip to go somewhere and the daydreaming immediately begins...What can I make for dinner tonight? Should I cut my hair short? I need to call Shannon today and remind her of that time we got separated in 6th grade and we talked to each other through our reflections in our make up mirrors. Man, that was funny. Why do I read People.com... Lindsey Lohan is so stupid. Everyone in Hollywood is stupid. I'm hungry. Cookies...mmmm, cookies. 20 MINUTES LATER I have arrived at my destination without having any recollection of actually driving there. Reality sets in and I panic. Did I run any stop signs?! Did I cut anyone off or pull out in front of anyone?? It takes me about 60 seconds to realize- Hey, we're here, we're safe. No harm, no foul!!
I also do this while showering. I'll get in the shower and start thinking about my day, or a funny movie I've watched- "Roy? No honey, Travis. Sweet Trav." (3 high fives! to the first person who can tell me the movie that quote is from), or what activity I'll do with the kids, what song I'll cover on my first country pop album? or what my acceptance speech will be at the Emmy's and BOOM - Did I wash my hair yet? How many times have I conditioned??? Wait, how long have I been in here????
And heaven forbid the radio is on while I'm cleaning!! A simple dusting/windex-ing event can turn into a full production of Soul Train. 93 minutes later... Me, Gladys, the Pips, the Tops (all Four of them), Smokey Robinson, Chaka Kahn, The Jacksons, and Kool & the Gang have cleaned 1/2 of one end table and the entertainment center. Out of breath, I look around the room. My trip on the Midnight Train to Georgia has not only prevented me from cleaning anything, but I've made more of a mess because I've (of course) gotten the kids involved and we've dug out 70's costumes, microphones, and guitars. *Sigh*
I'm pretty sure the reason it's getting worse is because I stay at home with the kids. I am at home pretty much all.the.time. I love it... but unfortunately, come winter time, I am two eye twitches away from being sent to the nut house. Cabin fever anyone? I can't say that I hate all this silliness about myself though. I sort of love it. It keeps me young, it makes me laugh, it provides some amazing adventures for me and the kids (hopefully leaving them with fantastic memories of their childhood), and ironically it keeps me from going crazy!! haha. I can't remember a time where I wasn't daydreaming/imagining/creating. I've had many a sore bum from falling while doing high kicks pretending to be a Rockette, a raw throat from belting out Mariah Carey songs, an exhausted mind from writing out endless comedy routines and playing them over and over in my mind, a tired arm from pretending to be the first female pitcher in the MLB, scary looking Barbies from being a "hair stylist", endless memories of playing dress up, and that's just the TIP of my ridiculously weird iceberg.
So, should I focus more?? Nah. I don't think. I have so much fun entertaining myself. And hopefully now I can entertain some of you for a while. I think everyone daydreams or imagines from time to time. I know a few who rock it out in their car and a few who sing in the shower, a few who have random dreams that just reek of awesomeness and even a select few who will still play Barbies with me. Sadly it seems I know more than a few who need to un-focus a little more often... not necessarily while driving though. ;)
Butterflies and Biscuits.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Welcome! Vítáme tĕ! Bienvenue! Salve! Witamy! Hoan nghênh!
Greetings and welcome to my blog/vlog! This has been a long time in the making and I am really excited!! I have debated starting a blog for over a year now and just kept putting it off- but now seems like as good a time as any. I plan on both writing and video-ing posts but you'll just have to bear with me while I figure all this stuff out- templates, gadgets, html- sweet Moses, I might need to take a class just to be able to manage all this.
The Secret to Laughing blog has two purposes 1. to help me release pent up creativity. 2. to entertain the masses. If you are looking for a serious blog about political and economic debate you are going to be very disappointed here (I suggest you head over to exposingliberty.blogspot.com- it's excellent if you like that sort of thing). I would like to say that I will have a huge array of topics to discuss- but truth be told- a lot of it will be about my kids. I am a stay-at-home mom of two awesome boys- Hunter and Dylan- and the adventures we have together are enough to write 14 books worth. They are amazing little blessings and I look forward to sharing our stories with you! That said, it won't be ENTIRELY about them...
Times are tough for so many right now- myself included. This country is an economic disaster, people are losing their homes/jobs, and there's just a lot of negative, evil stuff everywhere. I have found that my entire life I have combated difficulties with humor. Sometimes all you CAN do is laugh. I encounter so many people who are depressed and down in the dumps- and trust me, I can relate! I've been there! I'm still there on occasion! But God put me in this life, right where I'm at (just like He put you in your life, right where you're at) and so I choose to be positive and continue to find humor and laughter in not only the great times, but the bad times too. And so, all that to say, my posts will be honest, real stories and thoughts about my life and those around me- both silly and serious- and I hope that if you have been having a hard time finding humor in your own life, that this blog will help you to find the secret to laughing...
Enough with all that serious talk... Let the games begin.
The Secret to Laughing blog has two purposes 1. to help me release pent up creativity. 2. to entertain the masses. If you are looking for a serious blog about political and economic debate you are going to be very disappointed here (I suggest you head over to exposingliberty.blogspot.com- it's excellent if you like that sort of thing). I would like to say that I will have a huge array of topics to discuss- but truth be told- a lot of it will be about my kids. I am a stay-at-home mom of two awesome boys- Hunter and Dylan- and the adventures we have together are enough to write 14 books worth. They are amazing little blessings and I look forward to sharing our stories with you! That said, it won't be ENTIRELY about them...
Times are tough for so many right now- myself included. This country is an economic disaster, people are losing their homes/jobs, and there's just a lot of negative, evil stuff everywhere. I have found that my entire life I have combated difficulties with humor. Sometimes all you CAN do is laugh. I encounter so many people who are depressed and down in the dumps- and trust me, I can relate! I've been there! I'm still there on occasion! But God put me in this life, right where I'm at (just like He put you in your life, right where you're at) and so I choose to be positive and continue to find humor and laughter in not only the great times, but the bad times too. And so, all that to say, my posts will be honest, real stories and thoughts about my life and those around me- both silly and serious- and I hope that if you have been having a hard time finding humor in your own life, that this blog will help you to find the secret to laughing...
Enough with all that serious talk... Let the games begin.
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The Secret to Laughing... by Lauren B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.