I'll admit it- I was obsessed with the show Lost. I absolutely loved that show. I was so happy to have a group of friends who were obsessed too. We watched religiously every Tuesday night... immediately to get up Wednesday and wait for all the blogs to put up their breakdowns of the previous nights' episode. I think either you loved it or you hated it- there was no in between. The genius thing about Lost was that it meant something different to everybody. It made you think about your life, about the people in your life. It was just a beyond awesome show. I miss it.
I think I could definitely do a run down of my top 20 episodes but I'll spare all of you that headache. Chances are only 3 of you reading are Lost fans and have any inkling as to what I am talking about. But what I DO want to share with you guys has to do with one of my favourite episodes (you like how I spelled 'favourite'? Hellooo fancy.). It was all centered around a character named Charlie and the episode was titled "Greatest Hits". Without drowning you in detail basically what happened was that Charlie, a musician, knew he was going to die (sounds depressing, huh? It was, I cried.) and so he thought about his life and what his five greatest moments were. He wrote them all down on a piece of paper to give to Claire, the woman he fell in love with. The #1 greatest moment in his life was the night he met her...
It was a touching episode, really raw and perfect. Afterwards I thought, what would make my list of my 5 greatest moments? I don't think anyone could narrow a list down to 5- I know I couldn't. But there are a few that stand out in my mind...
The days my boys were born. Well, I can't just keep it at that. My boys whole lives. The moment they entered this world and I laid eyes on them- I was in love. But every second after that has gotten better and better. The first smile, giggle, saying 'Mama', hugging me back, walking, running, saying "Mommy, I love you", the first real conversation that didn't involve gibberish, the first time they made ME laugh, the first temper tantrum, the first attitude problem, the first eye roll. I love all of it when it comes to them. My world changed when each of them were born and every moment with them has been indescribable. So that would definitely take up at LEAST two slots.
The day Landon and I got engaged was such a lovely memory- He rigged the white elephant gift exchange game and proposed to me in front of his entire family. I was completely 100% fooled. It was awesome. I could not have had a more perfect proposal. This may have to take the top slot- without this moment we never would have started our life together, gotten married, and had Hunter and Dylan. So much good came from this moment.
But after those then things just start to get out of hand: there are so many good, touching memories that I have had in my life- moments with my family, my best friends... I really am so blessed. There are some that I could share, some that are too personal, some I laughed until I cried, some I cried until I laughed, some a simple conversation, a note, a song- all of them moments I would never trade.
One memory I want to share with you probably wouldn't be included in my top 5 greatest moments- but it sure comes close. Let me take you back to 1999. I was a senior is high school and starring in our school's Christmas musical. Luckily I had a supporting roll and only had to sing one solo. Unfortunately for me, that solo was the opening number to the whole show- and I was NERVOUS. We started doing full rehearsals every day for a week or 2 before the night of the play. The entire school was involved and so all the kids (K-12th) had to be present, whether you had a role or not. A few of the songs were sang by everyone in the school, so while the play was being practiced everyone else had to watch. Well, the little kids were restless. Mrs. Campbell's 1st grade class was particularly wild and distracting. So after the first practice run and a few warnings from the Principal- I intervened. I went over to the 1st grade class and said to them- "Look guys, this is really important that we practice and that you guys sit there quietly and listen! If you can do this all week, after the play is over, I will bring you guys in a special treat! Deal?" So of course, all the kids yelled- "Deal!" So then I said- "Okay, here's what we'll do. Whenever I am up on stage rehearsing I'm going to look over and make sure you are listening. When I look over I'm going to give you the thumbs up. If you are watching quietly like you should be- you will all see me and give me the thumbs up back. Then I'll know you are being good listeners! Okay?" "Okay!" they all squealed. So, all week long I would randomly give them the thumbs up, and sure enough every single time I did, they'd be in their seats watching and waiting and their little thumbs would shoot up in the air. It was really quite adorable. Success! They all behaved very well and I intended on buying them an awesome treat.
So the night of the play, I was a wreck. I was feeling all weak and clammy. My mouth was all dry and I was trembling. (I'm actually feeling nervous as I recall all this!). So we all take our places and I am on stage alone, sitting at a desk (side note- I played a very moody, grumpy nurse), waiting for the lights to flick on. In the darkness of the sanctuary I see the couple hundred people who came out to see their kids and so this was it. I was totally going to freeze and ruin the opening number to the musical! Lord, help me! The lights went on and I scanned the crowd while waiting for the pianist to start playing. I look over to the left where the 1st grade class was sitting and every single one of them had their little thumbs up in the air, their little faces beaming with pride. They were giving me the thumbs up. This time, I got to give them the thumbs up back. Tears in my eyes, a sudden calm came over me. The music started and I sang my heart out. The show was a success and I walked away from that night not remembering anything but that single moment. I will never forget it. Excuse me for a moment while I go get a tissue- I can't replay that story without silent tears streaming from my eyes...
I don't know of anyone I've told that story to actually. I might have shared it with Landon once but as I was telling it I remember not being able to describe out loud how meaningful it was to me. I hope it came across well in writing. I just love that story. And yes, I bought them all lots of candy the following day!
So what about you? What are your 5 Greatest Moments? I know so many people who just don't remember stuff. I must have some sort of awesome memory because I hear so many times- "Lauren, how in the world do you remember all this?!" But let me tell you- it's good to remember. To think back on your life, the people you love, and remember good times. Of course, we don't want to live in the past. That's never healthy... but to remember what shaped us to make us who we are in the present. So I challenge you to think back and share some of your memories with those in your life. I promise you will not be sorry if you do.
To infinity and beyond...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
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The Secret to Laughing... by Lauren B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Yes; I cried! I'm sitting here now with tears streaming down my face. Partly because I remember a few of those plays. Of course, the ones I saw were when you were much younger, not a senior. I had no idea you were such an extrovert! To actually be so bold as to rescue your principal in his moment of frustration and then to be so creative with how you handled the 1st graders. Way cool. I've never been in a play, but I have been in front of the congregation at church many times and know what those nerves are all about. So, I'm so proud of you for overcoming, and then actually shining in the moment, Lauren!
Well Laura, I in no way rescued my principal, or the 1st grade teacher. They were very busy organizing the program and I just went over to the kids and tried to be of some help! I knew the kids would be excited and more willing to sit still if they knew a treat was involved!
But thank you- it was a great time in my life and while my singing still was a bit off-key, I did sing my best!
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