I'll admit it- I was
obsessed with the show Lost. I absolutely loved that show. I was so happy to have a group of friends who were obsessed too. We watched religiously every Tuesday night... immediately to get up Wednesday and wait for all the blogs to put up their breakdowns of the previous nights' episode. I think either you loved it or you hated it- there was no in between. The genius thing about Lost was that it meant something different to everybody. It made you think about your life, about the people in your life. It was just a beyond awesome show. I miss it.
I think I could definitely do a run down of my top 20 episodes but I'll spare all of you that headache. Chances are only 3 of you reading are Lost fans and have any inkling as to what I am talking about. But what I DO want to share with you guys has to do with one of my favourite episodes (you like how I spelled 'favourite'? Hellooo fancy.). It was all centered around a character named Charlie and the episode was titled "Greatest Hits". Without drowning you in detail basically what happened was that Charlie, a musician, knew he was going to die (sounds depressing, huh? It was, I cried.) and so he thought about his life and what his five greatest moments were. He wrote them all down on a piece of paper to give to Claire, the woman he fell in love with. The #1 greatest moment in his life was the night he met her...
Yes; I cried! I'm sitting here now with tears streaming down my face. Partly because I remember a few of those plays. Of course, the ones I saw were when you were much younger, not a senior. I had no idea you were such an extrovert! To actually be so bold as to rescue your principal in his moment of frustration and then to be so creative with how you handled the 1st graders. Way cool. I've never been in a play, but I have been in front of the congregation at church many times and know what those nerves are all about. So, I'm so proud of you for overcoming, and then actually shining in the moment, Lauren!
Well Laura, I in no way rescued my principal, or the 1st grade teacher. They were very busy organizing the program and I just went over to the kids and tried to be of some help! I knew the kids would be excited and more willing to sit still if they knew a treat was involved!
But thank you- it was a great time in my life and while my singing still was a bit off-key, I did sing my best!
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