I think I'm going to name the next dog I adopt "Peeves". That way when people come over I can say- This is my pet Peeves. hahhahahhahahaa. Okay, that was lame.
Definition of 'Pet Peeve': an opportunity for complaint that is seldom missed.
Really? Okay. Got it.
10. Whenever you are doing some light facebook stalking through someone's photo album and every single picture is one of themselves doing a pouty face and a peace sign. Mix it up once in a while and cross your eyes or something.
9. Whenever you are singing a song a capella and someone joins in and sings either a.) faster or 2.) slower than you are. Thank you, you just officially ruined 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat' for me.
8. When someone (I won't mention any names.) throws their dirty clothes on the floor... right.beside.the.hamper. Alright, I know it's difficult throwing soft items in a large open square basket, but seriously- take the extra millisecond and give it a try.
7. People who think their views on global, economic, religious, and political issues are the only accurate views out there. They are right and everyone else is wrong. And if we don't agree with them, then we're all going to be taken out back and stoned. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were the great, the powerful, Wizard of Oz.
6. Those who can't spell (or won't spell correctly due to laziness). Yo, how r u? Wat r u doin 2nite? BUYING YOU A DICTIONARY, K?
6a. People who TyPe LiKe ThIs. Grow up.
5. People who complain about absolutely everything. And then complain some more. I hate my life. Why does everything always happen to me? I swear, this day needs to be over. SHUT UP ALREADY!! Last time I checked you were alive (although I don't know for how much longer if you don't chill out), healthy, had a car to drive, a roof over your head, money to spend, food to eat- you have no idea how lucky and blessed you are.
4. Being tickled. Don't ever tickle me. Ever.
3. Finally getting to watch a movie that looks hilarious and instead of humor it's full of naked chicks and crudeness. Yes, we get it. You're naked and you can swear. Congratulations. I can throw up funnier stuff than this. Next time I'll take my $9.50 and buy a bottle of ipecac.
2. When you're on the phone with someone and they are clearly NOT listening to you. You can hear typing in the backround and what were direct responses to your story have turned into "uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh". Oh Hunter is loving school. Uh-huh. I had his parent-teacher conference the other day. Yeah. And they said they had to make a decision- either expel him or turn him into a monkey. Uh-huh. Cause he ate all the pencils and then set the playground on fire. Yeah. So I got upset because, clearly, I can't have a monkey for son! Uh-huh. So I took out my magical wand and turned her into a Pineapple and yelled- Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea?! SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! Wait, what???
1. Bad Parents. This, by far, is my biggest pet peeve. Do us all a favor and spend some time with your children. The main reason your kids are irritating the rest of us by acting like brats is because you don't spend any time with them. You don't hug them, you don't play games with them, you don't show them any love whatsoever. So how can we possibly blame them for being so annoying? This is your fault. So get your kids out from in front of the tv, put your cell phone down, get off the computer, and spend some quality time with your kids. Read them a book, make-believe an adventure, bake some cookies together, something! anything! And while you're at it- put a coat on them when they go out cause it's freezing outside, and wipe off their koolaid mustaches for pete's sake. Thank you and good day!
Hope u guyz liked it. YeA, AiGhT, LaTa!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
© 2011 by Lauren B. Powered by Blogger.
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The Secret to Laughing... by Lauren B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
I am with you on Number 1 all the way!
LOVE # 2---I love when I'm telling someone a sad story, and they're like "Yeah, that's funny." or they'll say "That's interesting..."
Um, no...it's not!!!
You are TOO FUNNY! Love ya girl!
Lauren... U r jUsT sooo Fun-E! I tOtAlLy LoVeD tHiS pOsT! :)
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